For any academic institution, library is the soul of the establishment. Our Library has evolved over the years and is today it is housed in a 2 storied building. Library is well equipped, comfortably furnished and has airy spacious and well lit interiors. Library can accommodate around two hundred users at any given time and follows the open access system. This system allows any student/staff to pick and choose any book as they like.
The Library provides material for under-graduates, post-graduates as well as professionals and scholarly researchers. Materials of education, general interest as well as specialised subject interest are the constituent of the library. It has a collection of 031644 Reference Books, 478 Book Bank Books, 1525 Donated Books, 572 Theses, 13 Magazines, 8 Jounals and 4 Dailies.
Library is fully automated using SLIM++ software and later with Insproplus Office Management Software and now with AUTOLIB Library Management Software. Library operations are mostly computerised especially OPAC and circulation along with Barcode technology. Readers can access the bibliographic details of the books through the computer at the OPAC counter. Books are being issued through barcode labels and scanner. The Reprography facility available in the library has been put to maximum use and charged nominally.
College library has started digitization project. The digital form materials accompanying with Question Bank, Research Publications, AV Lessons, and TET Materials are uploaded and available in the hub of computers and sufficient terminals are provided to students and staff for the access of those data through LAN networking. Provisions are being made to provide internet access and is exclusively used by the research scholars and student teachers for accessing various learning resources not only through the Open Access Online Journals but also the E-Resources made available through the membership of UGC N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly content) Programme, which is being jointly executed by the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre. The College Library serves as an information centre not only for the faculty, research scholars and student teachers of this college but also to other research institutions around the city.
Teacher Education Resource Centre in the library has a very good collection of Ph.D, M.Phil and M.Ed theses and a good number of research journals and back numbers of AIAER research journal
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