2014-2015 | |||||
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.Ed. | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2014161 | Agastin Mary A | II Year | ஒன்பதாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்கள் துணைப்பாடம் படிப்பதனால் ஏற்படும் பயன்கள் | RJL |
2 | 2014162 | Annie Mahiba. P | II Year | A study on Higher Secondary students' expectation of teachers | ND & LS |
3 | 2014163 | Arockia Mary P | II Year | A study on the attitude of XI std students towards coeducation | RJO |
4 | 2014164 | Bhuvaneswaari. P | II Year | A study on the awareness of women freedom fighter of Tamil Nadu among the B.Ed students | AE |
5 | 2014165 | Been. T S | II Year | A study on Health facilities available for standard IX students in selected schools of Chennai | WSB |
6 | 2014166 | Benita Silvia. S | II Year | Professional challenges faced by school teachers | ND & LS |
7 | 2014167 | Chaina. M | II Year | A study on students' perception towards classroom climate | CJ & JS |
8 | 2014168 | Christina. S. Caroline | II Year | A study on the personality and the family environment of XI standard students in Chennai city. | PP |
9 | 2014169 | Divya. L | II Year | A study on the interpersonal trust of B.Ed students teachers in Chennai | JJ & SS |
10 | 2014170 | Edwina Mary Diana. E Elakiya. A | II Year | A study on the students' attitude towards non-violence | CJ & JS |
11 | 2014171 | Elakiya. A | II Year | Students perception about smart class in teaching mathematics at secondary level | PP |
12 | 2014172 | Ethel Prabha. B | II Year | A study on awareness of Kamaraj and his role in Indian politics among the IX std. students in selected schools in Chennai | AE |
13 | 2014173 | Gajalakshmi. P | II Year | A study on motivation and academic achievement of IX standard students in Mathematics. | GDS |
14 | 2014174 | Geetha. C | II Year | A study on the perception of Teacher student relationship among XI standard students in Chennai city | JJ & SS |
15 | 2014175 | Jamuna. K G | II Year | A study on the perception of Higher Secondary students in Chennai city towards examination ethics | PP |
16 | 2014176 | Kalaivani. D | II Year | A study on the Time perspectives among Arts and Science college students in Chennai city | TR |
17 | 2014177 | Kanmani. T | II Year | A study on the awareness of organ donation among women students in Arts and Science Colleges. | MSC |
18 | 2014178 | Keerthana. P | II Year | A study on the relationship between participation in Extra-curricular activities and academic achievement of IX standard students in Chennai city | MSC |
19 | 2014179 | Kerline Getseyal. Y | II Year | ஒன்பதாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்கள் தமிழில் ஏற்படுத்தும் பிழைகள் | RJL |
20 | 2014180 | Lincy B | II Year | A study on the attitude of XI std students towards soap operas | RJO |
21 | 2014181 | Meline M. S. Shalini | II Year | A study on the attitude of IX standard students towards English language based on socio-culture aspect, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing skill, Grammar and Vocabulary in Thiruvallur District | JJ & SS |
22 | 2014182 | Prema. S | II Year | A study on awareness of food adulteration among XI standard students | JM |
23 | 2014183 | Roshni. D | II Year | A study on attitude towards Teaching English Language and self confidence of B.Ed trainees in Chennai | GDS |
24 | 2014184 | Santhalakshmi. K | II Year | Awareness on Eye donation among B.Ed students | PP |
25 | 2014185 | Santhiya T. S | II Year | A study on the awareness of women's education among the B.Ed student - teachers in North Chennai | AE |
26 | 2014186 | Saraswathi. M | II Year | A study on the student unrest in work and science colleges | MSC |
27 | 2014187 | Selvamary. M | II Year | A study on in science training on computer usage for teachers in Chennai schools | TR |
28 | 2014188 | Shalini. M | II Year | A study on the basic knowledge about computer and computer operation among XI standard students in selected schools of Chennai | WSB |
29 | 2014189 | Stella. K | II Year | A study on the political awareness of B.Ed students of selected colleges Chennai | AE |
30 | 2014190 | Suganya. V | II Year | A study on the awareness of Women's rights among the Arts and Science college students in Chennai city | TR |
31 | 2014191 | Sureka. N | II Year | A study on leadership and self-acceptance among students of XI standard | TR |
32 | 2014192 | Thusitha. M | II Year | A study on security - Insecurity feelings of students | CJ & JS |
33 | 2014193 | Uma Mageswari | II Year | A study on the problems faced by B.Ed students during teaching practise | JM |
34 | 2014194 | Vinoshiya. E | II Year | A study on the opinion about grade system among IX standard students | MSC |
35 | 2014195 | Vithya. G | II Year | A study on the difficulty of XI std. students facing English exam | RJO |
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.Phil. | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2014196 | P. Chitra | M.Phil | Vocational Interest of High School Students in Relation to their Family Environment | GDS |
2 | 2014197 | V. Gnana Prema | M.Phil | A study on the discipline of the students and the security of the teachers at high school level | RJO |
3 | 2014198 | K. Ilavarasi | M.Phil | A study on the guidance needs of B.Ed. trainees | ND |
4 | 2014199 | C. Rajalakshmi | M.Phil | A study on knowledge and Attitude towards Geographical Issues of Arts and Science College students in Chennai city | GDS |
2015-2017 | |||||
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.ED | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2015151 | Bharathi. J | II Year | A study on Westernized Food intake and behavioural problems of XI standard students. | WSB |
2 | 2015152 | Bhavani. G | II Year | Attitude towards learning Hindi Language among VIII standard students. | TR |
3 | 2015153 | Gnanachristy. N.B | II Year | A study on B.Ed teacher trainees' attitude towards Inclusive Education | PP |
4 | 2015154 | Gracia Pauline. P | II Year | A study on Mental Health of School Teachers. | MSC |
5 | 2015155 | Jenifer Mary. M | II Year | A study on XI standard students' attitude towards gender equality | CJ |
6 | 2015156 | Lydia. M | II Year | A study on the communication skills in English among B.Ed students in selected colleges of Education | RJO |
7 | 2015157 | Sheeja Ponseeli. J | II Year | A study on the attitude of Higher Secondary students solving chemistry problems and their ability to solve them. | ND |
8 | 2015158 | Sweetlyn Anbarasi Winsy. D | II Year | A study on the awareness of communicable diseases among IX standard students. | AE |
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.Phil | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2015201 | Dilish Vanesa Viviliya. D | M.Phil | Perception of Teacher - Educators and student - teachers about two year B.Ed programme | ND |
2 | 2015202 | Selvamary. M | M.Phil | A study on the parental involvement on the Academic of upper primary students. | RJO |
2016-2018 | |||||
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.ED | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2016151 | MARY PUSHPALATHA. A | II Year | Attitude of Middle School and High School Students towards learning Methematics. | JJ |
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.Phil | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2016201 | IRENE ELIZABETH PADMINI | M.Phil | Factors Causing stress among shool teachers and their coping strategies | ND |
2 | 2016202 | NASIBUNNISA BEGAM | M.Phil | Self Motivation of School Teachers in Chennai District. | RJO |
2017-2019 | |||||
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.ED | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2017151 | ALKA ANITA EKKA | II Year | AA | _ |
2 | 2017152 | CATHERENE NITHYA. S | II Year | A Study on the level of Basic Computer Litercy among School Teachers. | SS |
3 | 2017153 | DELGIN RUBAVATHY. D.M | II Year | A Study on the Perception of Students about revised IX Std Science Text Book. | ND |
4 | 2017154 | KEZIA. R | II Year | A Study on personality and Assertiveness of Prospective Teachers. | RJO |
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.Phil | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2017201 | R. S. Latha | M.Phil | Perception of teachers regarding conducting board Examinations in subsequent years. |
ND |
2018-2020 | |||||
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.Phil | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2018201 | NALINI. N | M.Phil | Perception on usage of Library and its utilisation by higher secondary Students | ND |
2 | 2018202 | PATRICIA CAROLINE WILLIAMS | M.Phil | Book reading Habits and Media Literacy of B.Ed Students. | RJO |
3 | 2018203 | SUMATHI. B | M.Phil | Perception of Higher Secondary students on Physical Education and their participation in Physical Educaiton activities. | ND |
4 | 2018204 | YASODHA. P | M.Phil | Student's Perception regarding NEET and problems in preparing for NEET. | ND |
2019-2021 | |||||
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | M.ED | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | 2019151 | Harini.R | II Year | A Study on the attitude of B.Ed students towards technology in Teaching and usage of Digital Tools. | ND & NGJ |
2 | 2019152 | Jacklin Blessy. M | II Year | A Study on the influence of social networking sites on interpersonal relationships among student teachers | LS |
3 | 2019153 | Jenifer. C M | II Year | Teacher's Perception on Time Management in online Teaching. | CJ |
4 | 2019154 | Jenifer Divya A.J | II Year | Study of Mathematics anxiety of high School students in Chennai district and its relationship to their study habits. | PP & SS |
5 | 2019155 | Mahalakshmi. M | II Year | Perception of High School students on online learning and their interest towards IT. | SG & JF |
6 | 2019156 | Sherlly.T | II Year | A study on the pereception and achievement level of technology assisted learning in high school mathematics text book. | MSC & JJ |
Ph.D | |||||
S.No. | Reg. No. | NAME | Ph.D | Thesis Topic | Name of the Guide |
1 | S. Sujatha | June 2018 | Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Professional Commitment of Teacher Educators | Dr.(Mrs.) P. Nithila Devakarunyam | |
2 | N. G. Jyothsna | May-19 | Language Learning Strategies and Learning Style References of Pre-Service Teachers and Their Language Skills | Dr.(Mrs.) P. Nithila Devakarunyam |
Name | Enrollment Number | Date of Enrollment | Topic / Area | Supervisor | Date of Completion |
Mrs. Sujatha | TNTEU/R/Ph.D.(PT) Reg.January 2013 Sess./2014/182 |
07.02.2014 | Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Professional Commitment of Teacher Educators | Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam | Completed on 05.07.2019 |
Mrs. Saranya | TNTEU/R/Ph.D. (FT) Reg./July 2014 sess./2014/1611 |
22.09.2014 | A Study on Student Teachers Perception towards Teacher Education Programme, their Teaching Attitude,Knowledge and Teaching Competency at the end of B.Ed Programme | Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam | Submitted on 20.09.2021 |
Mrs. Parimala Paul | TNTEU/R/Ph.D.(PT)/January 2013session/2014/108 | 24.01.2014 | Comparative Study of student Teachers Learning through Regular and Distance Mode | Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam | Pursuing |
Miss. Jesintha Mary.C | TNTEU/R/Ph.D.(PT)/January 2013session/2014/107 |
24.01.2014 | Teachers Education programme Evaluation | Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam |
submitted on 26.08.2021 |
Mrs. Georjeena. S | TNTEU /R/Ph.D. (PT) Reg. /July 2016.Sess/2017/905 |
24.01.2016 | Characteristics of High School Children studying in Urban and Tribal Area |
Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam | Pursuing |
Mrs. N.G. Jyothsna | TNTEU/R/Ph.D.(FT) Reg./January 2015 Sess./2015/1611 |
07.08.2015 | Language Learning Strategies of Pre-Service Teachers | Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam | Completed |
Mrs. Libin Saral | TNTEU/R/Ph.D/2021/1323 | 25.03.2021 | Impact on constructivist approach in acquisition of teaching skills among B.Ed. students |
Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam | Pursuing |
Miss. Sureka | TNTEU/R/Ph.D/2021/1323 | 25.03.2021 | School Teachers’ Professional Commitment, Stress and their Resilience |
Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam | Pursuing |
Miss.Selvamary. M | TNTEU/R/Ph.D/2021/2330 | 17.12.2021 | Educational Technology | Dr. Mrs. P. Nithila Devakarunyam |
Pursuing |
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